Saturday, July 16, 2011


I am going to start this blog with an image that I saw on a friends Facebook page-
Jen constantly posts inspirational quotes that make me stop and think! This one is so relevant as some of you already are aware I resigned from my full time job a few weeks ago!!! This was one of the hardest decisions I have had to make. I loved my 'job' as a Dental Implant Product Specialist, I would spend my days in and out of the car and talking to lots of people! I have only been out of it for a few weeks and I am already missing it! I wonder how long I will be able to stay away?.....................................................

I guess now my 'job' is Mother/Wife/Designer/Seamstress/Sales Person/Accountant??? What do I now write when filling in the occupation section in many forms? 

It is a scary change to my life, I have LOTS of love and support from my family and friends but as the quote above says- 'I believe'! I believe that my venture and expansion of I'm a Princess will keep me out of trouble for the next little while, what do you think? 

I think like Aaron looking into the bin, the future is full of possibilities 

A big thank you to all my beautiful customers and other business's in this industry for your custom and support that made this possible.

Belle xx